Surveying of a track in a revolutionary new and fast way is possible with the Plasser&Theurer Referenced Track Geometry RTG® system and the Absolute Track Geometry® process. Based on markers, which are attached to existing fixed points along the track, surveying and track geometry measurements can be performed at higher speeds than ever before. Track closures to conduct a measurement run along a track are no more necessary, as the system is measuring and processing at speeds between 60 and 100 km/h. The outcome is a precise track geometry with the measured trajectory being referenced in absolute coordinates. The absolute track geometry gives vital insights into whether the track layout is jeopardizing the clearance envelope or if your track is dangerously close to potential hard points like bridge foundation pillars or tunnel entrances.
The new surveying method is already implemented at the Wels-Passau track at ÖBB in Austria and currently also used at RFI in Italy:
Plasser & Theurer | Absolute track measurement
Plasser & Theurer | EM100VT
However, on the new generation track measurement car (the EM100VT or the EM120VT2) there is more than just RTG. You can improve your track maintenance by including ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements, which allows you to determine the state of your ballast and subsoil and derive a ballast fouling index (BFI).