Provide instant and safe track access via a European SIL 4 cloud

Traditional workplace protection requires a lot of preparation time because no standardised work zones are used and workplace protection equipment has to be physically (de)installed in the track each time. In a standard four-hour decommissioning, this costs approximately one hour of time (25%). While the safety measures are being carried out, no trains can run and no maintenance can be performed on the track. In addition, organising a decommissioning is time-consuming as it needs to be requested with the rail operator already months in advance.

Digitisation of safe track access is an effective means of creating extra capacity on the existing rail network at once in the short term. It also reduces the planning and production costs for managing track works. Dual Inventive's digital track access system is more agile, allowing decommissionings to be organised instantaneously. It provides instant access to the track in a safe way.The Dual Inventive ZKL 3000 RC is a preinstalled, SIL-4 rated, remotely operated Track Circuit Operating Device. It enables rail workers to perform work in track and to ensure a safe environment for them, controlled just by their mobile phone. The devices can remain in track and be switched on or off remotely in a matter of seconds, activated by an app on a smartphone or tablet.

When switched on, it simulates a train in the section, causing the track circuit to show “occupied” and produces a red light on the train signal. The section is immediately blocked, enabling rail workers to perform work on the track efficiently and safely. Remote switching of standardised work zones with minimum infra withdrawals results in net more working time for the contractor. As a result, fewer and shorter decommissionings are needed to maintain and upgrade the rail infrastructure.

The system has been deployed for twelve years by rail contractors in the Netherlands and is operational in Belgium (Infrabel), France (SNCF), UK (Network Rail) and Australia (Sydney Trains), resulting in more than eighty million safe operating hours. It has been developed according to the standards EN50126, EN50128 and EN50129, utilising Dual Inventive’s own, proprietary European SIL 4 cloud.

Dual Inventive | ZKL 3000 RC successful for Network Rail